

Solidarity with Ukraine

As the community that makes up the Army Museum in Bialystok, we are getting involved in aid campaigns for refugees from Ukraine. Since 7 March this year, all those who have fled the war can visit our exhibitions for free and participate in educational activities and prepared events.

Women’s Day at the Museum (8 March)

More about: Women’s Day at the Museum (8 March)

Dear ladies, we would like to remind you that tomorrow entry to the exhibitions of the Army Museum in Białystok is free for you. There will also be a small gift waiting for each of you.

In solidarity with Ukraine

More about: In solidarity with Ukraine

Ladies and Gentlemen, as the community of the Army Museum in Bialystok, we constantly stand in solidarity with Ukraine and oppose the violence that has befallen the independent state. We also have open hearts and wallets and hands ready to help. We would like to remind you of the links to several collections of verified organisations helping victims of the war in Ukraine.

Polish Humanitarian Action:  https://www.pah.org.pl/sos-ukraina/ Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
Non-profit organisation Siepomaga.pl: https://www.siepomaga.pl/ukraina Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
Polish Red Cross: https://pck.pl/na-pomoc-ukrainie/ Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
Polish Medical Mission:: https://pmm.org.pl/ Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
Caritas of the Archdiocese of Białystok: https://bialystok.caritas.pl/gotowi-na-pomoc-dla-ukrainy/ Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
ELEOS Orthodox Centre of Mercy: https://eleos.pl/2022/02/27/pomoc-uchodzcom-z-ukrainy/

Temporary exhibition “Za munrem panny sznurem…” (from February 19th)

More about: Temporary exhibition “Za munrem panny sznurem…” (from February 19th)

We invite you to visit the exhibition ‘Za mundurem panny sznurem…’. The exhibition is presented in the Museum building (7 Kilińskiego Street) until the middle of May this year.
In the inter-war period, the Polish military uniform was one of the symbols of the long-awaited freedom; it was also a marker of honour, good manners and social standing. Officers were the elite of society and were held to high standards of behaviour, neatness of appearance or personal culture.

The exhibition has been prepared from the collections of the Army Museum in Białystok and the Naval Museum in Gdynia, The Central Military Archives in Warsaw, The Central Military Library in Warsaw and private collectors


Winners of the “My SUPERhero” contest!

More about: Winners of the “My SUPERhero” contest!

The “My SUPERhero” contest has come to an end. The jury decided and selected 5 prize-winning works from among all, beautiful works depicting great women from the history of Poland, as well as heroines of children’s everyday life.


Thank you for all the entries to the competition, of which there were 12!

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