Mini exhibition. Fallschirmjägerhelm M38 (from 1 September)

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Mini exhibition. Fallschirmjägerhelm M38 (from 1 September)
In the next few months, as part of our mini exhibition series, you will be able to see the Fallschirmjägerhelm M38, the helmet of a German paratrooper.

The origin of the parachute troops dates back to the 1930s. Between the wars, the United States, Great Britain and then the USSR and the Third Reich became interested in this innovative type of military. World War II and its battlefields resulted in the further development of parachute troops. Every country involved in this major conflict had its own, considered elite, paratroopers’ units and they wrote many war records. The paratrooper was associated above all with courage, valour and physical toughness.

The Fallschirmjägerhelm M38 on display is the helmet of a German paratrooper from the Second World War.

You can see the helmet from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Army Museum at 7 Kilińskiego Street.