Contact First name and surname (mandatory) E-mail address (mandatory) Telephone (option) Subject Message content In order to make it difficult for automatic machines to send spam, please solve a simple math problem. For example: 2+1 gives 3. 1+20= I hereby give my consent to the processing of my personal data, according to the applicable law and our Privacy Policy, in connection with enabling to provide a response to the inquiry submitted via the contact form. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to process the inquiry. I have been informed that I have the right of access as the data subject, right to rectification, right to restrict processing and right to withdraw my consent at any time and request to cease processing. The controller of the personal data is the Army Museum in Białystok with the headquarters in Białystok, at 7 Jana Kilińskiego Street. Posted on 20 Apr 2020 Beata Wiśniewska-Lewoc