Cultural activities at the Falstad Centre

The residents of Ekne in Norway and all visitors to the Falstad Centre will be able to explore the exhibition ‘When the war came to us. The Polish-Norwegian experience of World War II”. The contents of the exhibition in Norwegian will be presented in the Falstad courtyard from the 15th of October to the 26th of November this year.

Two events will take place in connection with the exhibition:

Sunday Oct 22

Lecture in Norwegian on the theme Polish prisoners of war in Noreay during WWII, with Historian Gunnar Hatlehol, the Narvik Centre and Cultural Heritage Expert Arne Langås, Falstad Centre.

Sunday Nov 12

Lecture in Norwegian on the theme The War in Ukraine, with Historian Lars Peder Haga, Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy.
Haga will discuss the background to Putin’s decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the war’s progress and its changing nature. He will also look at the reasons why the Russian military has proved much weaker in waging war than many had expected. Finally, he will comment on possible scenarios for the further progression and end of the war.