The inauguration of the “Remembrance Education” project

Rozpoczęliśmy realizację projektu „Remembrance Education. Edukacja kulturalna osób dorosłych”. We have launched the project “Remembrance Education”. During the first stage, which lasts until 19th October this year, we are waiting for applications of educators willing to participate in this international project.

Partners of this activity are Ksiaznica Podlaska of Lukasz Gornicki in Białystok and the Falstad Centre in Ekne. The aim of the project is development of a cultural offer for the citizens of Białystok aged 30-49, inhabiting the estates of Dziesięciny, TBS, Wygoda and Zielone Wzgórza.

Uczestnicy konferencji prasowej inaugurującej projekt: Dominik Sołowiej (Książnica Podlaska), Edyta Mozyrska (Dyrektor Departamentu Kultury, Promocji i Sportu Urzędu Miejskiego w Białymstoku), Robert Sadowski (dyrektor Muzeum Wojska w Białymstoku), Christian Wee (Dyrektor Centrum Falstad)

Participants of the project kick-off press conference: Dominik Sołowiej (Ksiaznica Podlaska), Edyta Mozyrska (Director of the Department of Culture, Marketing and Sport of the City Council in Białystok), Robert Sadowski (the director of the Army Museum in Białystok), Christian Wee (the Director of the Falstad Centre)

Most cultural initiatives in Białystok are realised in the cities’ centres. A lot of places around the world, among others Ekne, share this experience. Therefore, together with the Falstad Centre, in an international team of educators, we are going to search a way to stimulate cultural activity in the local communities.

Robert Sadowski (the director of the Army Museum in Białystok):

The next stage will be preparation of the programme attractive to people of the age group which is unwilling to involve in cultural activities, and even if, their participation seems to be superficial. Ksiaznica Podlaska and the library branches operating on the estates mentioned above will help us to reach the inhabitants of Białystok. The starting point for planned exhibitions, workshops and meetings will be, among others, the war history of Białystok.

Inauguracja projektu „Remembrance Education”

The Museum is starting the recruitment process for the team of educators, whose task will be – in cooperation with museum workers, employees of Ksiaznica Podlaska and the Falstad Centre – to develop activities in the housing estates. Professionals in the area of cultural education, involved in the project, will participate in the free training sessions including the study visit in Norway and a number of workshops devoted to the audience development.

Marzena Wilczko (project coordinator):

“We are searching for people with minimum 2-year work experience in cultural education in any institution or organisation in the Podlasie region, not only those dealing with history. We would like this team to have interdisciplinary potential. Readiness for new challenges and cooperation within an unconventional project are important. The key factor is ability to speak English fluently, at the communicative level.”

Inauguracja projektu „Remembrance Education”

Any educators interested in participating in the project are welcome to fill in the application form. We are waiting for the applications till 19th October.

Application form

The project was positively assessed in the grant competition of the Programme Culture financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and state budget. Through the decision of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the Museum received the grant of over 100 thousand euros. The project will be co-financed from the City of Białystok’s budget. The funds of the European Economic Area are a form of non-returnable foreign aid granted by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to 15 EU member countries, among others Poland. The aim of the Programme Culture is development of cultural cooperation, entrepreneurship in the cultural sections and management of the national heritage.